Beautification Possibilities



Woodstock Lights Up

    Local artists create beautiful street-lighting poles for business district using the very latest energy saving devices. Installation of light poles is combined with placing utilities underground. The completed project is promoted widely: "Woodstock Lights Up". Visitors arrive and walk the town to see all the different poles. There might be totem poles, Jimi Hendrix poles, flute poles, one can only imagine

      This, of course, is quite a long range project that would require substantial planning & engineering over a few years.


Attractive & Efficient Trash Receptacles

    Replace existing trash & recycling cans with these solar powered compactors that hold about 8 times the material and wirelessly contact maintainance department when they need emptying. They are attractive and fit right into Woodstock's Zero Carbon initiative by greatly reducing fuel and labor costs.

    A BID could share part of the purchase cost with town.

 Big Belly Solar Compactors


Many ideas below might best be done by small volunteer groups,
but a B.I.D. might occasionally want to assist by making a 'Spot Grant'.

Gateway: (Route 212 at 375)
   • Consolidate and/or move the clutter of signage.
   • Art-Garden(s) around the gateway area.
   • Welcome to Woodstock sculptural sign (big)
       See Also:

Clean Up:
   Have a 'Road Patrol' tidy up public areas before and during weekends. This person might also have a chat with those who do not tend their property frontage.

   Plantings to hide unattractive areas, utility poles, bridge walls etcetera.


Apparently we once had a:
        Hamlet Beautification Task Force
        on the town site. But is link not working now.





We need everyone's ideas here.
Please send your Ideas to: [email protected]




